Doctor Whosdays

Everyone sing it with me now! Oooo-eeee-ooooooooo! Weeeee-ooooo-ooooooooooo!

Who doesn't love the Doctor? Communists, that's who! Communists who hate our Doctor Who-loving freedoms!

All right, I know there are some people who do not like Doctor Who. But most of us do... at least the new series. But only some of us have taken the plunge into the classic series. And only a few of us have plunged deep into the bowels of the classic series, and watched all of them since 1963. Not when they were broadcast, obviously. I'm not that old. But I have watched them all.

Yes, even the reconstructions. I'm a nerd. So sue me.

That was a joke. Don't sue me.

Every Tuesday, I'll be taking my faithful readers back into the past, working through the great Doctor Who serials. I intend to do one serial a week.

These will not be reviews, so much. That's what TARDIS Wiki is for. Instead, this will be a bit of loving mockery, as well as some examination of underlying themes, and some historical context. I hope to make Doctor Whosdays something you won't get at just any Doctor Who site.


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